The Sesamoid Bones
Sesamoid Bones are the “Orchestrators in Motion”. Nestled within tendons, sesamoid bones alter the angle of tendons as they pass over joints. They act like pulleys! This modification enhances the mechanical advantage of the tendon, allowing it to exert more force with less effort. This is particularly crucial in weight-bearing joints like the foot, […]
Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
When Nerves Get Caught in a Tight Spot! Are you experiencing pain, tingling, or numbness in your feet? You might be suffering from Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome (TTS). It’s like carpal tunnel syndrome, but for your feet! It occurs when the posterior tibial nerve is compressed within the tarsal tunnel, located on the inside of the […]
What is “Swift” Wart Removal?
Our Chiropodists use Swift technology for the successful removal of warts. Find out more by booking an appointment for a full assessment and diagnosis if you think you might have warts.
Successful Treatment for Warts!
Our Chiropodists can treat foot plantar warts and hand warts using Swift™ technology with great success. Call for your appointment today.
Introducing our new Chiropodist!
Emily has joined our team as our second Chiropodist on staff. She is skilled and self-motivated, with an Advanced Diploma of Health Sciences in Chiropody (with distinction) from the Michener Institute. She also obtained her Bachelor of Kinesiology at the University of Toronto providing her with in depth knowledge into biomechanical and gait analyses. […]
Dry or Cracked Feet – How a Chiropodist can Help
A lot of us have problems with dry or even hard skin on our feet, which can be unsightly and painful. Often times, it can be caused by footwear, standing for long periods of time, especially on hard surfaces, or the cold dry air of winter. Other causes can be weight gain, uneven weight […]
Ingrown Toenails
Ingrown toenails can be painful, making it hard to stand or walk and it can even become infected. Signs of an ingrown toenail are pain, redness, warm to the touch and can feel hard and swollen. This foot condition develops when the corner of the toenail grows down into the skin and usually affects the […]
Athlete’s Foot
The term “athlete’s foot” can be very misleading because you don’t have to be an athlete to suffer from this condition. Athlete’s foot (tinea pedis) is a common contagious fungal infection affecting the skin and nails of the feet, which cause itching and irritation. Athlete’s foot is caused by a fungal infection that manifests in […]
Compression Stockings
Our foot specialist, Lada Milos Lee is proud to offer Ofa Bamberg line of compression therapy. Compression therapy is achieved using gradient compression, which has the greatest pressure at the base, and reduces pressure as the compression garment goes up the leg. This helps encourage the movement of fluids, including blood circulation and the lymph […]
A callus is an abnormal amount of dead, thickened skin that builds up on an area like the bottom of your feet. They can be yellowish-red in colour and they do not feel like the rest of your skin on your soles. Primary locations include the ball of the foot (usually under the second metatarsal), […]