
Our foot specialist, Lada Milos Lee is proud to offer Ofa Bamberg line of compression therapy. Compression therapy is achieved using gradient compression, which has the greatest pressure at the base, and reduces pressure as the compression garment goes up the leg. This helps encourage the movement of fluids, including blood circulation and the lymph fluid circulation. The gentle pressure helps blood vessels and lymph  vessels absorb fluids more easily, providing relief for tissues. This helps to relieve pain  by reducing swelling and preventing accumulation of fluid buildup. Venous disorders are very common and it is estimated that 20% of men and 30% of women suffer from some form of venous disorder.

  • Do you suffer from tired, aching legs at the end of your day?
  • Do you suffer from spider or varicose veins?
  • Do you travel long distances frequently?
  • Do you sit or stand for prolonged periods of time?
  • Are you pregnant?
  • Do you struggle with some excess weight?

If you answers “YES” to any of these questions, compression stockings may be helpful in alleviating pain, reducing swelling and preventing chronic venous disorders.

Prevention of Varicose Veins

When the valves of the veins are damaged or do not function properly, blood pools and the increased volume causes pressure within the wall of the veins. This can then cause veins to bulge and distend. Over time, the veins loose their ability to bounce back, causing “spider” veins ( in the small superficial veins), and “varicose” veins ( in the larger veins). Compression therapy is effective in preventing the veins from becoming damaged and noticeable.


Studies have shown that wearing compression stockings during exercise helps reduce muscle soreness.


Long-distance travel wether by car, train or airplane, can be associated with the leg discomfort and increased risk of DVT (deep vein thrombosis). Lack of leg movement due to prolonged sitting and cramped spaces gives way to swelling of the feet and legs. The swelling contributes to leg fatigue, discomfit, and a heavy sensation in the leg. Studies have shown that a traveler not wearing a graduated compression stockings is 12.5 times more likely to develop DVT.

Wearing gradient compression stockings appeared to be effective in reducing the risk of DVT and prevent overall swelling during frequent or long travel.


As the baby grows, the enlarged uterus applies pressure on the vena cava, which returns blood to the heart. The pressure can cause stasis and valve damage, which results in swelling, leg discomfort, and even varicose veins. On average 23% of pregnant women will have venous disorders as early as their first pregnancy, and this number rises to 31 % by their fourth pregnancy. Compression hosiery helps to relieve leg fatigue and discomfort by helping to prevent the superficial veins from becoming distended with blood. It also helps to reduce pressure in the tissue underneath the skin.

Are You Covered?

Compression stockings with a pressure of 20-30, or 30-40 mmHg are covered by most insurance plans on an annual basis. A physician prescription is required.


A 20-min initial consultation is required. The appointment should be scheduled at the beginning of the day to ensure the best measurements. Styles and materials will also be discussed to determine the best product for your needs.