Sciatica is associated with pain, numbness, and muscle weakness in the hip, buttock, leg, calf, and foot. The sciatic nerve is the longest and largest of all the body’s nerves. It runs from the spinal column near the pelvis down each leg and can be as wide as your thumb. Each sciatic nerve is made up of five smaller nerves that branch into the thigh, knee, calf, ankle, and foot. Sciatica occurs when this nerve is compressed, irritated, or inflamed.
Many times people with sciatica wait until the pain becomes unbearable before they contact the Osteopath. Waiting can cause long-term damage. It is important that you contact your Osteopath when the pain originally begins. A number of treatments can be prescribed (that don’t include surgery or medications) to help with your sciatica. The first thing your Osteopath will do is review your complete medical history to determine when the problem began and the possible causes. Then a complete physical and Osteopathic exam is performed. Your Osteopath will review and discuss the results with you and make recommendations for sciatica treatment.
Sometimes, an Osteopath will find the source of the nerve blockage and may use manual adjustments. The adjustments are designed to remove the blockage that is pinching the sciatic nerve and causing the pain. Massage may be used to reduce muscle spasms. Pain medications merely mask the symptoms and never heal the cause, and surgery should always be the last resort.
Osteopathic care works, so contact us today if you experience any of the symptoms of sciatica.